My Blog..

This blog is a place for me to record my work and anything about graphic design that inspires me. 
Enjoy :)

Monday, 29 September 2008

Colour systems..

At the moment I'm learning about colour systems and print processes. These are a few definitions for the different terminologies.

CMYK (cyan/magenta/yellow/key black – 4 col process)
This is used in the most common printed process called litho or offset litho.

RGB (red/green/blue – screen based)

Greyscale (Black and white continuous tone, any shade of grey such as a black and white photograph)

Duotone (when a continuous tone image is printed in 2 or more spot colours – this
term is also generally used when describing tri and quadtones.

Spot colour (one or more specially mixed colours as opposed as a result of a CMYK or RGB mix)

Mono (one colour only plus the colour of the material it’s printed on)

Summer Project.. TAXONOMY

Over the summer i was set a brief to develop a set of visual journals that document/record and catagorise my summer through an investigation of colour, type and/or image. I had to select a colour and its appropriate complementary. These 2 colours were the chromatic focus of my visual investigation. I had to use at least 4 methods of recording e.g drawing/photography/collage/3D and it could only be documented in a set of A6 or A5 notebooks (no bigger).. So i set about collecting image and type in the colours yellow and blue. The majority of my collection was done through photography, however i also did rubbings and colleted found material, such as flyers, menus and clothes tags. The main focus of the brief was 'TAXONOMY.'
‘Taxonomy – the science or technique of classification.’

Sunday, 14 September 2008

France et graffitti fest..

Also while i was in France I was amazed to see graffitti was as popular as it was, on walls and shutters etc around the city and out of town. Some of it was amazing. Ive taken a real interest into it and found myself getting excited everytime i found a new piece! (i must be getting sad) but its completely different to the work that ive seen in america..I guess there must just be a slightly different European style to it. I photographed lots of pieces but these are just a few of them. I hope you enjoy looking at them a much as I did!


My next adventure was to Montpellier in France last week where I also found myself snapping away, so heres a few pics from france :)


Over the summer I visited the summer camp in Switzerland where i worked last year and as ever i took a million photographs while i was there. Here are a few.. enjoy :)

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

ive recently been out and about in Bridlington with a friend and took the ole cam with me (as usual) and snapped a few shots here and there. Im still tring to work out how to do more moving lights shots.. i havent really worked it out on my camera, but none the less i gave it a whirl and these are a couple that i did..