My Blog..

This blog is a place for me to record my work and anything about graphic design that inspires me. 
Enjoy :)

Wednesday, 4 June 2008


Just a quick update to empty my mind of all the things I've got left to do before my final submissions..
Portfolio: Something I've been working on for a week or so now. I've got a few reasonable pieces of work in and development etc but still needs a fair bit of work before I'm happy to submit. Submission is this Friday. 2 days to go!

Buzz It: This is this wicked thing online where I can reference where I've been and what I've been looking at, I was completely amazed by this when we found out a few weeks ago how to use it, however I'm still a little unsure how it works...A lot of work needed on that I'm reckonnin!

Speaking From Experience brief: This is a brief I don't think I've mentioned yet...I've taken something that all year I've never really understood and tried to break it down and inform next years 1st years. This being the word 'concept.' I'll keep you posted about this later...

Other than that still looking into 'what graphic design is' and ploddin on with the work load, bit of a stress on though with this module I must say!

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