There's just so much stuff that I'm drawn to, whether it's typography, illustration or photography, but when they're incorporated all into one together this is when it really stops me in my tracks. Some of the stuff above is what I enjoy. Perhaps something to aspire to in my 2nd year. I'm sure I could achieve it, just need to be pointed in the right direction and be able to incorporate it into the briefs I get set. This is what I struggle with...being able to produce things I like to do and not just produce resolutions that I feel are fitted to the briefs I'm doing. Does that make sense? hmmm well I know what I mean. I don't feel like I've managed to produce one thing I'm proud of this year. Nothing that stands out and makes me wanna go woah I did that! unless you count my photography, I think some of the images I took were ok..nowt spesh tho. Perhaps now I'm just rambling...and seem to have an obsession with doing dot dot dots on the end of all my sentences...
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