My Blog..

This blog is a place for me to record my work and anything about graphic design that inspires me. 
Enjoy :)

Friday, 30 May 2008


Just a quick word to say I had my power point presentation the other day. I think it went OK...nerve racking but not half as bad as I was expecting and all in all I found it really quite useful to see what everyone else did for theirs and was nice to see a selection of work too from over the year by us all. It made me feel a little more confident and realise I can do it, I just need to focus more and put my mind to it.
If only that was easier done than said..

Also this is some work that I included in my power point.
The first two images are something I produced for my visual language brief that I lost before the hand-in so never actually submitted to be assessed. It started out as just a doodle and compilation of images I'd drawn but then I decided that i wanted to try and do more with it so I scanned it in and started to manipulate it. I had real fun with it and really enjoyed it. It's definitely something I want to try more of. Doesn't feel like working to me at all, simply the freedom to express myself through image and colour. :)

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