My Blog..

This blog is a place for me to record my work and anything about graphic design that inspires me. 
Enjoy :)

Monday, 3 March 2008


Along my photograhy elective researching travels today I came across the following quotes that took my fancy...

"The human face never lies. it is the only map that records all the territories where we have lived." - Luis sepulveda, 1998

"What is the function of a portrait? What degree of manipulation is correct, acceptible, between the sitter and the photographer, and should art concern itself with accuracy? Shouldn't photography worry about that even more?" - Richard Avedon, 1993

"Man cannot bear his own portrait. The image of his limits and his own determinacy exasperates him, drives him mad." - Paul Valery

There would have been another had i not cut off half of it with my rubish photocopying skills...

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