My Blog..

This blog is a place for me to record my work and anything about graphic design that inspires me. 
Enjoy :)

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Digital Photography Elective...

These are a few of my favourite images taken so far in my digital photography elective. They are the most recent and basically just rough experiments with lighting etc and getting to know what I'm doing...
Personally my favourite is the 3rd one down. I love the way in which the shadow is cast across the left hand side of the face, creating such a dark and powerful effect fading out to black.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Sophie Calle

I found Calle's book 'Double Game' along my artist book researching travels. She primarily works with photography. I felt that the images within this particular book were quite interestingly linked with my digital photography elective, aswell as the book of 100 brief. I feel she is trying to blur truth, fiction and boundaries together, between what is private and what isn't. E.g what is percieved to be allowed and what isn't.
I find her work interesting but at the same time a little odd...

Deb Rindl

Artist books...
Our latest project is to collect 100 items and encorperate them into a book.
As part of my research I have spent some time looking into artist books and one of my favourites I came across was by the artist Deb Rindl - 'Reguiem for my sister.'
Rindl uses quite a few different techniques in the book. It is bound using the nut and bolt process. I think this has a very unique feel to it and makes it stand out from anything else I have seen. She also experiments with different papers, cards cutting through and sewing into them. A part that particularly moved me was when she used sewing into her work to create meaning saying "We're still connected," then connecting the pages together with a piece of string.
Looking through the artist book made me realise you can create a lot of meaning just by using different media.
I discovered alot of her work is text based...
Here are some images of her work...

Sam Winston

Just found this blog after searching Google images - random way to stumble across it but it's wicked so thought I'd post the link:

I particularly like the work of gabriel moreno. Link to work:

A blog featuring daily selections of contemporary art, photography, illustration, graphic design, music, new media and Bucharest happenings.

Check it!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Beer mat flipping

Beer mat flipping is a recognised sport! ha the things you learn whilst researching projects...

Obviously i shall have to spend more time in the pub to perfect this...

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Southern comfort advert

Link to the new southern comfort advert...awesome graphics and photos...